Let’s Take A Look at These Unique and Weird Houses from Around the World

There is a saying that goes, home is where your heart is. We agree that there is a certain degree of truth to this. After all, the place where we choose to call our home is where we are most comfortable. It is where we plant our roots and raise our families. As such, we fill our houses with the things we hold dearest to our hearts. This just means our homes exude our personalities.

With that being said, let us travel around the world and look at some of the most bizarre and unique homes we found on the internet. From the Dumpster Home in the Big Apple to the Ancient Cliff House in China, these have unique and interesting stories worth reading about.

Airplane House, Miziara, Lebanon

Miziara is a village located in North Governorate in Lebanon. Here you will find some of the most eccentric houses in the country. Some of which resemble Greek ruins and Egyptian pyramids. However, the famous Airplane house probably takes the cake. It was originally built back in 1975. Sources say that an Australian-Lebanese couple made some investments to call this bizarre property their home.

The house was made to look like an Airbus A380. The owner, Michael Suleiman, shares that he has had a fascination for airplanes ever since he was a kid. So he simply made a childhood dream into a reality. The airplane-house is a two-story building with 30 portholes inside. The design is complete with a cockpit and landing wheels.

Beehive Houses, Aleppo, Syria

These other-worldly houses are mostly found in rural farming communities in Syria. However, some are found in Aleppo, the largest city in the country. The beehive houses have been around since the 6th millennium BC and have been used both for residential and storage.

The architectural design of these bizarre-looking houses is meant for desert living. They are built from natural materials with thick insulation, which helps maintain a degree of coolness inside. The walls are made from mud bricks that are stacked in a circle. The structure is closed in a cone shape by domes as you look further up. The interiors of these beehive houses are also dark because the design does not come with windows. This also protects the residents from the harsh desert environment.

Beer Can House, Houston, Texas

John Milkovisch started building this bizarre-looking house back in 1968. He began with inlaying thousands of rocks, metal pieces, and marbles into redwood and concrete to construct the landscape. After finishing with the front and backyard, he turned his investments towards the house itself. First, he added aluminum beer can siding on its structure. Nearly two decades later, the place is fully-covered with flattened beer cans; thus, the name Beer Can House. Some might consider his project an art piece of recyclables, but it was only an enjoyable pastime for him.

Over the many years of Milkovisch’s pastime productivity, Ripley’s Believe It or Not estimates that he used over 50,000 cans in building the house into what it is today.

Bolivian Kitsch Home, Bolivia

The lavish urban homes of architect Freddy Mamani Silvestre in El Alto, Bolivia, have been mocked as kitschy-looking cohetillos. It means “spaceships,” earning him the moniker “spaceship architecture.”

However, fans of Mamani claim that his bright “new Andean” style has helped recreate a previously artistically monochromatic city. He has discovered a way to merge traditional Andean and Tiwanaku traditions into an urban context. He incorporates geometric shapes found in ruins. He turned it into more figural organic compositions that reference elements such as mountains, lightning, animals, and flowers. Mamani has completed over 70 such structures in El Alto and more than 100 across Bolivia. Many residents regard these structures as status symbols, so let us give credit where it is due.

Brooklyn Clock Tower Home, New York City

You will forever learn what time it is if you buy this flat. It is because you will literally live inside the clock. It is a 633-square-meter triplex penthouse in Brooklyn, perched atop the historic Clock Tower Building. The structure was constructed in 1914 by a cardboard box manufacturer.

The extraordinary penthouse has a 4.2-meter-tall clock on every wall, allowing lots of natural light and affording spectacular views of the Brooklyn Bridge and New York Harbor. There are three bedrooms and three and a half bathrooms in this home. The ceilings in some of the rooms spread out over three levels that reach a height of 15 meters. If you are looking for a link to older New York and Brooklyn, this brings a substantial degree of history.

Cappadocia Rock Houses, Central Anatolia, Turkey

Are you charmed by Cappadocia’s awe-inspiring cave houses? This ancient Anatolian region is known for its remarkable rock “fairy chimneys” and structures sculpted from natural stone hills.

Deep valleys and soaring rock formations are full of dwellings, chapels, tombs, temples, and even underground towns beautifully sculpted into the natural landforms in the Cappadocia region of central Turkey. A volcanic explosion covered ash across the 1500 square mile area over three million years ago, which hardened into the soft rock. Wind and time have progressively eroded this rock, resulting in unique shapes. Many sites are available for guests to rent. Wherever you choose to spend your credit card, you will surely have an incredible and unforgettable journey to one of the world’s most unusual locations.

Casa de Pedra, Brazil

Original residences are not just in the most affluent areas of significant cities. In the Elander sector of So Paulo lies a one-of-a-kind home built by a gardener.

A few years ago, the impoverished gardener had no investment money to construct even the tiniest structure. He discovered a simple way out of the predicament by building a house from the many accumulated items. The gardener made the unique house from these simple and free building materials: wooden beams, pebbles and ceramic cuts, old dishes, and cement. Soon enough, Casa de Pedra became one of the most magnificent in So Paulo. Indeed, he has created his masterpiece with one goal in mind: to offer a pleasant and welcoming home for the family.

Casa Ecologica de Botellas Plásticas (La Casa de Botellas), Puerto Iguazú,Argentina

Alfredo Santa Cruz’s family came up with something they had been thinking about every time they unearthed a drink. What is the purpose of plastic? Is there any other use for it? The queries kept coming one after the other. So, they created something that many tourists who visit Puerto Iguazu now see and admire without realizing it.

“The House of Bottles,” as it is known, was armed with liter and half bottles of the famous cola drink. The house’s walls were made of 1,200 plastic bottles, while the ceiling was 1,300 tetra cartons. The doors and windows were out of more than 140 CD boxes. Let us just say that even waste can turn into an investment if you are creative.

Citadel, Naaldwijk, The Netherlands

A white sand beach, a green-blue, shimmering sea, and a unique underwater environment enthrall any snorkeling fan. Is there anything better than this for a holiday? Because the magnificent holiday villa you are staying in is floating on the water, all you have to do to explore is jump right into the Indian Ocean from your jetty. This fantasy is becoming a reality in a Maldivian lagoon.

The first floating apartment complex, called The Citadel, is the first project in the ‘New Water’ area. Designed by Waterstudio’s Koen Olthuis, it is a ground-breaking project that demonstrates a great degree of ambition. The structure houses 60 premium apartments with ample parking and spacious terraces, while The Citadel’s fluid curved architecture exemplifies the limitless possibilities of water construction.

Crazy House – Da Lat, Vietnam

Wild, strange, and unique. We can describe The Crazy House (also known as Hang Nga Guesthouse) in Dalat in various ways. One thing is sure: this “mad” complex is impressive.

The general architecture of the structure is on a huge tree, with sculpted design components symbolizing natural forms such as animals, spider webs, mushrooms, and caves. According to Nga, the building’s design was inspired by Catalan architect Antoni Gaud. Since its construction in 1990, the structure has developed a credit for its unusual architecture, featured in various guidebooks, and named one of the world’s ten most “bizarre” structures. Visiting Crazy House is like traveling among gigantic tree trunks on narrow meandering trails. You have no idea where these branches will take you.

Cube Houses – Rotterdam, Netherlands

Rotterdam architecture is well-known for being among the most original and imaginative in the Netherlands. Its Cube Houses are still one of the city’s most eye-catching developments after more than 30 years. It is easy to see why: these remarkable residences are cubes that have been slanted 45 degrees on their sides, maximizing the available area. As a result, the buildings appear, feel, and act differently than anything else on the planet.

The cubes are on hexagonal poles. The dwellings are separated into three floors on the inside, connecting a tiny stairway. When you enter, the first thing you will notice is that all of the walls are slanted. When you approach the top half of the structure, your first instinct is to keep your head down.

Dar al-Hajar, Wadi Dhahr Valley, Yemen

We are sure you imagine a Black Forest-European-Fairytale-style structure when we say castle. Yet, Yemen’s Dar al-Hajar palace proves to be otherwise.

Dar al-Hajar, also known as the Imam’s Rock Palace, is perched atop a rock pinnacle in the famous Wadi Dhahr Valley. It is Yemen’s distinctive symbol, and it can almost be seen on everything from postcards and publications to bills and water bottles. Perhaps the building’s appeal stems from the fact that it credits Yemeni architecture. It also stands alone in an oasis of green and tranquility combined with the natural granite on which it stands. As impressive as the interior is, the vista from the outside truly distinguishes the palace. It seems like a gigantic work right out of a fantasy story.

Drina River’s Tiny House, Serbia

Do you want to live in an investment house surrounded by nothing but natural beauty? We got some fantastic news for you! A place like this does exist! It stands on a bit of rock in the middle of the Drina River, defying nature and astonishing visitors. We want to introduce you to the legendary Drina House!

A little backstory: In 1968, a group of young boys sought a place to sunbathe. They realized that the rock would make an excellent location for a bit of shelter. The one-bedroom house has survived many floods and harsh winds since, illustrating that tiny homes can be incredibly resilient. Though not entirely off-limits for the public, the burgeoning landmark is still private property, and we should treat it as such.

Dumpster Home, New York City

In New York City, making the most of small living space is like a rite of passage. Now, we may have discovered the tiniest (and oddest) abode yet: a dumpster. Believe it.

Gregory Kloehn, a California designer, has transformed this unsightly green dumpster into a functional home that he uses whenever he visits New York. The dumpster, which comes with a bathroom, bed, kitchen, and sun terrace, is located in Brooklyn, but it also has wheels to be anywhere in the world. There is a unique door on the side for simple entry and egress. Kloehn’s odd Pied-à-Terre is only six feet by six feet. His $4,000 investment in the quirky digs is slightly more than Manhattan’s typical monthly rent.

Dupli Casa, Ludwigsburg, Germany

Nowadays, it is common for children to live with their parents once they start their own families. However, some children opt to stay and benefit from the degree of warmth and protective care that a more prominent family affords. The idea behind the Dupli Casa project is precisely a home that honors “family archaeology.” What exactly do we mean?

The building’s geometry is based on the footprint of a home that used to be on the property. It creates a semi-public space on the ground level, sandwiched between two layers of secrecy. The villa’s skin creates a connection between inside and out, with stunning views of Marbach’s old town and the German National Literature Archive on the other side of the Neckar valley.

Egg House. Beijing, China

Ever pictured yourself living inside a massive egg? Dai Haifei could not afford Beijing’s rental fees, so he decided to build his egg-style home. Sack bags on the outside, bamboo splints on the interior, and wood chippings and grass seeds in between make up the two-meter high house with two wheels underneath.

After seeing an innovative architectural project called “City’s egg” at the 2010 Shanghai Biennale Exhibition, Dai designed the 6,427 yuan ($964) dwelling. He relocated the residence just a few steps away from his workplace. There is only one bed, a water tank, and a lamp inside the house. Let us hope that the investment money he saves on rent translates into better possibilities for other Beijing residents in the future.

Element House, Star Axis, New Mexico, USA

The Element House is a guesthouse and tourist center for Star Axis, a land-art project 120 miles east of Albuquerque, New Mexico. The structure serves as a gallery and guesthouse for guests and a model for off-the-grid living.

The Element House, designed by MOS Architects, is a modular housing prototype that encourages a “new ecology.” The shape of the prefab dwelling is taken from the Fibonacci sequence and lies around a modular piece. Built with LED lighting and recycled water systems to reduce construction waste and electricity consumption, the Element House is an energy-efficient green building. We have to admit, The Element House’s design is creative and aesthetically streamlined. But we are afraid it still has that “home” feel about it.

Eliphante Art House, Cornville, Arizona USA

A truly inspired person can hire an architect to draw up a house plan. But it takes an equally passionate woman in love to start building and see where the earth leads them.

It was the case with Eliphante. It is a little-known sculptural residence consisting of three acres of fantastical domes, shacks, and follies built by Michael Kahn and his wife, Leda Livant. The house has 25-foot ceilings and boulders and detritus from construction sites, while the studio features the Ford pickup that carried the couple west. In addition, the Pipedreams has a labyrinthine art gallery in which each painting has its setting. The structure that gave the compound its name features an irregularly mounded roofing and a long, trunk-like entryway built of granite.

Giant Seashell House, Mexico City

A young family was tired of their traditional investment home and desired to live more in tune with nature. Javier Senosiain, a well-known Mexican architect, fulfilled their wish. They now reside within a giant psychedelic snail shell rather than a dull old functional square dwelling. Unbelievable it is.

The goal was to create a non-traditional home inspired by nature’s design principles and, in this case, the logarithmic spiral of seashells. As you enter, you have the distinct impression that you are inside the stomach of a live thing. Going inside the main room is like stepping into a gigantic organism’s womb filled with plants. The Nautilus House is a fantastic demonstration of making human abodes using nature’s design and artistic license.

Gue(ho)st House, Delme, France

The art institution began searching for private offers when it looked to redevelop its premises. The goal was to increase the degree of visibility of the center from the road. However, in a way that both honored the site’s heritage and planned for the future.

Christophe Berdaguer and Marie Péjus, two French artist-architects, focused on a single structure. This building had a long history as a prison, a school, and a burial home in the past. People had come and left traces of the past within its four walls. The Gue(ho)st House, in its new position as a tourist center, fulfills all three: the tourists are the guests, the art center is the host, and the two meet in what has become a beautifully eerie house.

Habitat 67, Cité du Havre, Montreal, Canada

Habitat 67 is indeed one of the most unusual houses in the world. With its looks, the builder seems to have found ways to defy the laws of physics. This out-of-this-world building was built from 1967 to 1969 and covered an area of 30,420 square meters. The architect of this housing complex is Israel-Canadian Moshe Safdie, and it contains 158 apartment units sprawled in 12 stories. This might be a home for many. But because of its unique architectural design, this has become a tourist destination for the city of Montreal.

When it comes to the most important question, many want to know the price of living in Habitat 67. Suppose one is looking for a real estate investment; Tower Trip once featured an impeccable unit that cost $1,298,000.

Heidelberg Project, Detroit, USA

If someone loves a colorful neighborhood, this part of Detroit is a nice choice, especially for those who like to boast about their artwork. For starters, the Heidelberg Project is located in the McDougall-Hunt neighborhood and was created by a group of artists led by Tyree Guyton in 1986. Actually, the place is where he grew up, and the art painted all over it is a political protest, especially for what happened to the neighborhood from the 1967 riots. This project gave the McDougall-Hunt the vibrance it deserves and made it more livable again.

In 2005, all the people’s investments paid off after the Heidelberg Project won a silver medal at the Rudy Bruner Awards for Urban Excellence. It was a feat for the citizens and the city, of course.

Icelandic Turf Houses, Iceland

The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit makers might have gotten their idea for the houses in the franchise from Icelandic Turf Houses in Iceland. Except for the doors, these houses surely resemble the films’ dwarf houses. A typical Icelandic turf house has a large base of flat stone. Also, a wooden frame is built on it to support the load of the turf. Despite the maintenance and complexity, the advantage of this type of roofing and external walls is the superior insulation it offers.

If one is planning a trip to this beautiful country, Guide to Iceland listed areas where turf houses are available to visit, including the turf farm of Keldur and Glaumbær, where there are sets of turf houses in Skagafjörður, North Iceland.

Jayson Fann Spirit Nest Homes, California USA

To be like a bird is within reach with these nest homes in California. These houses are made up of Eucalyptus branches, as Jayson Fann believes they are strong, flexible, and significantly last longer than other wood types. In addition, he cautiously cut them from healthy trees to not damage the trees. Building them is a very intricate process, but Fann overcame all the challenges of construction. In Habitat revealed that he also created a separate base that could withstand heavy loads up to 2,000 pounds.

This one-of-a-kind art is installed in Zone 2 of Playcosystem, close to the Pines Picnic area. Aside from seeing this unique home, there are numerous activities that people can do within the parameters that don’t necessarily require one to use credit cards.

Krzywy Domek – Sopot, Poland

Krzywy Domek means crooked house in English, and it’s completely obvious why they gave it that name. It is located in the city of Sopot in Poland, and it was built in 2004. The area of this odd building is 4,000 square meters and is connected to the famous shopping center of Rezydent. This structure was designed by Szotyńscy & Zaleski and was based on the fairytale drawings and illustrations of Per Dahlberg, a Swedish painter, sculptor, and graphic artist, and Jan Marcin Szancer, a scenographer, illustrator, and former professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.

Aside from entering Krzywy Domek, there are a lot of places that one can consider visiting in the area, such as Sopot Beach and Sopot Pier. Monte Cassino and Sopot Marriott Resort & Spa are worth checking out, too, for those who have enough credits to spend.

Kvivik Igloos, Faroe Islands, Denmark

It is not a secret that igloos are usually made up of snow, but this one looks completely different. Faroe Islands is where the village of Kvivik is located. Here is where you can find a pair of similar igloos. Each house spreads in about 91 square meters and features a living room and a kitchen with a double bed and a loft. These strange houses are one with nature. Just like the turf houses of Iceland, these pair have roofings covered in grass. In addition, they are in proximity with the sprawling oceans and ranging mountains.

As technology evolves, many are leaning towards home designs that reflect their social status. However, it is fun to know that houses like these two stand out from the rest even for their weirdness.

Lego House, Surrey, UK

This man takes his love for lego to another degree by building a full-sized house made from lego bricks. According to Dailymail, this house is the biggest lego house in the world. It is a 20-feet structure built on a wine estate in Dorking, Surrey, led by Top Gear presenter James May. Around 1,000 people worked hand-in-hand using a whopping 3.3 million tiny lego bricks. May mentioned that Legoland initially showed interest in taking the house and putting it to their theme park in Windsor, Berkshire. However, because of “cost, timings, logistics, and planning permission,” that plan was canceled.

Anyway, this house has a working bathroom, a bedroom with a working sink, and a cat made with lego. Sadly, because of the failed transaction with Legoland, this house was eventually demolished.

Malator House, Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK

This house is often referred to as the “Teletubby House” as it resembles the home of the famous BBC children’s show. Malator is an Earth house designed by architects at Future Systems and is situated in Druidston, Pembrokeshire, Wales. It was specifically owned and built for Bob Marshall-Andrews, a former Member of Parliament. Aside from its unique look as if it was buried to the ground with lush grass as its roofing, it also has an exterior glass wall with a stunning view of Druidston Haven.

Meanwhile, critics gave the structure positive reviews. At the same time, one of the leading magazines for interior design, architecture, and landscaping, Architectural Digest, listed it as one of the most innovative houses of the 20th century.

Monsanto Houses, Monsanto, Portugal

In the vastness of Portugal, there is a certain village where houses pose a certain degree of danger as their building includes enormous boulders, regardless of whether it is part of the wall or the roof. These houses have been tested by time, including natural phenomena. However, what’s good about them is that owners did not spend a lot of money buying hollow blocks or bricks. Instead, they used rocks in similar sizes as alternatives considering that they are abundant in the area. If not gigantic rocks, the rooves of most houses are made up of terracotta tiles, while doors are painted in bright colors, which complement the brown and grey color of the stones.

Meanwhile, Monsanto has an area covering 131.76 square kilometers, and as of June 30, 2011, it had 828 inhabitants.

Monte-Silo House, Woodland, Utah, USA

Most houses around the world come in a rectangular floor plan and straight walls, but this one is circular as it is made from two linked corrugated-metal grain silos. Apartment Therapy revealed that this house in Woodland, Utah, spreads in 1,800 square feet. This is a good place to live for a single person, but it can presumably fit more. Moreover, though it wasn’t built in an eco-friendly manner, it has some amazing completely green features, including the exterior metal used that can be recycled.

Gigaplex Architects takes credit for the design of this one-of-one two-story house. It features a spacious kitchen, large glass windows, a wooden staircase, and the terrace on the second floor, which can be considered the highlight of the home, as people can go there to see the stunning views of the mountains.

M-Velope Transformer House, Various Locations

Most homeowners renovate their houses a new look—either by repainting the walls, landscaping, roofing repair, etc. However, the M-Velope Transformer House is definitely different. From its name, its shape can be changed depending on the owner’s need for space. This unique house was developed by Michael Jantzen, with an area of 230 square feet, and made with wood panels and a steel frame. In addition, M-Velope is made from a new kind of treated and non-toxic wood called Accoya, which is believed to be more durable and stronger than common lumber.

In Habitat revealed that only 10 of these are made, and one could get it if he has $100,000 to spend. However, despite the goodness of this house, that amount is quite excessive for some.

Neverwas Haul, Academy of Unnatural Sciences, Berkeley, California, USA

A house that moves is the main feature of this weird house. This three-story Victorian steampunk home was created in 2006 for the famous Black Rock Desert Burning Man Festival. It was designed by Shannon O’Hare and was based on fictional stories of H.G. Wells and Jules Verne. It measured 24 ft. high, 24 ft. long, and 12 feet wide and was structured from the base of a trailer, and 75% of the materials used are from upcycled waste. Every year, Neverwas Haul participates in local festivals and art fairs, and because of its Victorian pottery, this moving museum received mass attention.

Nowadays, moving houses are seeing the light of day as those who have investment money and love traveling. They are buying trucks or large vehicles then converting them into a home.

Old Water Tower, Belgium

What the mind can conceive is really what the body can achieve. Who would think that an old water tower in Belgium would turn into a stunning abode? Inside, one would think they are in a house built in an expensive neighborhood in Los Angeles. This masterpiece was made possible because of Architect Mauro Brigham of Bham Design Studio. He repurposed the locally known Chateau d’eau, into a comfy-looking home. The 30-meter six-story tower was believed to be constructed sometime between 1938 to 1941.

Aside from its contemporary look, it is also equipped with new technology where owners can control room temperature and volume of the sound system without exerting too much effort. Though it wasn’t mentioned, this house might also have a state-of-the-art home security system.

Roof Top Houses, China

Though most houses in this list are considered safe to live in, even if compared to the boulders in Monsanto, Portugal, these houses in China are incomparable. Because of its design, locals have been concerned about the legality of the building. According to Insider, these bizarre-looking houses are situated in Dongguan, in the province of Guangdong. A report from Reuters in September 2013 mentioned that this was built two years before it was taken notice. In addition, local media revealed that the design passed to the local government was different from the finished building, making it illegal.

There is no available information on what happened to this building after numerous reports of its illegality, whether it was demolished or it was still standing up to this date. Regardless, the degree of danger these houses pose is high and thus needs immediate action.

Sea Rescue Station, Binz Beach, Rügen, Germany

Numerous lifeguard towers and sea rescue stations have been converted into livable houses, but this one stands out from all the rest. Its design is futuristic and striking that one might think its sole purpose was for lifestyle. German engineer Ulrich Müther and architect Dietrich Otto get credits for creating this masterpiece at Sea Rescue Station in Binz Beach. It was constructed in 1968 and underwent needed renovation in 2004. Led by Ulrich, it is also known for upcycling various buildings, such as planetariums, mosques, and restaurants.

This might look like an ideal design for a beach house, but it has been serving as a maid room of the registry office. Who would not be amazed by this incredible creation?

Shark Attack Home, Headington, Oxford

To stand out from the rest of the four-bed Victorian cottage nearby, a man named Bill Heine, former BBC radio broadcaster and writer, commissioned John Buckley, a sculptor, to make a shark that he eventually placed on top of his house’s roof. On August 9, 1986, the 450-pound, 25-foot long shark appeared. It was made from fiberglass, and the Buckley reportedly took three months to finish this sea creature. A crane was then used to place this art known as Untitled 1986, which is indicated on the house gate.

Moreover, the Shark Attack Home was built to celebrate the 41st anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki. In August 2007, after several concerns about the house’s condition and the sculpture, Buckley was called to renovate his art.

Shipping Container Guest House, San Antonio, Texas, USA

Houses made from used trailers are prolific nowadays. Aside from upcycling them into homes, they are also used to build complexes and offices. Meanwhile, one in San Antonio, Texas, makes people with investment money want to have one as well. In 2010, architect Jim Poteet of Poteet Architects from Texas designed the most attractive trailer house. Situated in the San Antonio artists community and is equipped with a temperature control system, perfect for the state’s changing climate. The roof garden also helps insulate the house’s interior from scorching weather.

Moreover, this house was made from the standard 40-foot shipping container. It is made for visiting guests and a playhouse for kids, while the unused section is for gardening for plant lovers.

S-House, Saitama, Japan

While many houses in Japan are known for sticking with tradition, this one in Saitama is quite one of the most unusual of them all. Built near Omiya station, S-House is something straight out of futuristic science fiction. Yuusuke Karasawa got credits for making the house and was built back in 2013.

It has a total floor area of around 103 square meters, slightly above average than your typical urban house in Japan. It employs lots of diagonals in its interior design, which distorts the depth within. In addition, it also implements a lot of open spaces. This house intends to warp someone’s perception of distance and length whenever they tour its inside. This one is truly a must-see for architecture lovers.

Skateboard House, Malibu, California

Another one of the unique houses out there is the Skateboard House. It is perhaps a dream come true for so many skateboarders. Officially known as PAS House, it was built in Malibu, California. Pierre Andre Senizergues got credits for making this house. He is a former Pro Skater and founder of skate apparel brand Etnies. He also presented a prototype of this house to a museum in Paris.

The house combines the best of the skate park and your typical home. While many amenities are offered, the house is pretty much an indoor skate park. When most furniture is put away or folded, guests and inhabitants can simply make some slick moves for hours. They will definitely enjoy this place.

Spherical Tree Houses, Qualicum, British Columbia

These spherical treehouses have been a must-visit for those wishing to travel to Vancouver Island in British Columbia. Known as Free Spirit Spheres, they are built quite high above tall trees in Qualicum Bay. According to the website, the one responsible for creating these very smooth and well-built houses is only named Tom.

The houses come in three types, each made from either fiberglass or metal. The first two types, called Melody and Eryn, are designed to blend into the surrounding forest. The third and latest type, Luna, has a metallic sheen on it. Based on the good reviews by the guests who stayed for a night or two, it is undeniable that the investment made was quite worth it.

Star Trek Voyage House, Hinckley, Leicestershire

For fans of Star Trek, this house in Hinckley in Leicestershire can pretty much gush you with excitement. It was built by Tony Alleyne, a professed superfan of the sci-fi show, in the early 2000s. He revealed he spent thousands of dollars to achieve his dream of having a house that looks like the navigation room of a Starfleet spaceship.

However, his dream house did not last for him, and he had to give it up in 2012. Fortunately, it was not dismantled and was put up for sale some three years later for nearly $94,000. So, for those who want to buy this well-designed home, you better prepare a lot of cash loans to get this. This will be worth your money, for sure.

White Dome Houses, Indonesia

In Indonesia, the White Dome Houses is a remote eco-village of earth domes that sits alongside the coral coastlines in Indonesia’s Lombok Island. The team behind these living spaces seeks to introduce a new housing solution to Lombok Island that synergizes with their plan to respect the environment. Today, over nine domes are present, and they surround a pool, a restaurant, and a co-working space.

These living spaces in Indonesia should really be your next investment if you’re looking to pay homage to the environment. Not to mention, you’ll have one of the weirdest homes in the world. Along with numerous amenities, you’ll also be able to enjoy overlooking panoramic views of the white sand coastlines. It’s one magnificent view you wouldn’t want to miss!

The Ancient Cliff House, Guyaju, China

One of the fascinating spots to visit in China is the ancient cliff houses of Guyaju. It has received a number of visitors since it was first opened to the public in 1991. Located in the outskirts of the capital Beijing, the carved houses were discovered in 1984 by a team of archaeologists conducting a cultural relic survey at the time. According to the team, the houses are believed to be around 1000 to 2000 years old. However, the exact age has not been determined.

The housing complex boasts 117 caves and 350 chambers. While some residences only have two to three sections, some more luxurious ones had eight rooms, an investment for the former inhabitants. The complex is supported by columns cut from the rock.

The Bubble House, Cannes, France

In the city known for its luxury villas and hotels and hosting some of the world’s most famous in its annual film festival, Cannes has long been associated with high society. However, one of its most well-known attractions is the Palais Bulles, meaning Bubble Palace in French. The house was built between 1975 and 1989 for the industrialist Pierre Bernard. Hungarian architect Antti Lovag got credits for its incredible design.

The house has a floor area of 1,200 square meters and is designed to be an “aggression against nature.” In recent years, the ownership of the house was passed to Pierre Carrdin. While not living there, he used the place to exhibit his artwork. Since his passing in 2020, many have suggested that the house be turned into a public venue for art exhibits.

The Cabin, Sweden

Perched atop the trees located in the Lule River Valley in Sweden, this cabin is like a foreign object floating above the natural surroundings. The cabin was built in 2010 by Cyrén & Cyrén. It is designed in a very futuristic style and shaped like a capsule. It offers the guests a great view of the forest.

According to the house’s website, the cabin can accommodate two people. Anyone who wants to stay in this place for a night or two can do so, for around 4900 Swedish krona or about $550. Kids two years old and below can enjoy the cabin for free. They can freely enjoy and run on its smooth flooring. In addition to a great view, it offers a buffet, restaurant, spa, sauna, TV, and internet.

The Cosmic Muffin, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA

Regarded as one of the most iconic floating houses in Fort Lauderdale, the Cosmic Muffin has been visited and sighted by millions over the years. The boat initially started as a Boeing 307 Stratoliner owned by famed aviation pioneer Howard Hughes. It then passed on to numerous owners until it went to Kenneth London in 1969. He spent four years of his time and investment to convert the plane into a floating house he then named the Londonaire. The boat got its current name when Dave Drimmer bought it in 1981.

It offers a lot of amenities, including a bar, air conditioning, and comfortable seats. Currently, Drimmer has marketed the boat as its own brand and hopes for more sponsors along the way.

The Crocodile House, Côte d’Ivoire, Abidjan

Whenever you might visit Côte d’Ivoire, the largest city of Abidjan, you might see the peculiarity amongst the many buildings and homes there. A house shaped like a crocodile has been built by a man in the middle of the city. Moussa Kalo started to build this place in the 2000s and completed it in 2008. Despite finishing what was perhaps his greatest work and investment, he did not get to enjoy it. He passed away some two months after his house was completed.

Today, the house is occupied by Kalo’s former apprentice, Atta. Among the many features of the home include several windows and a bed. Visitors passing by the place may be amused by the eccentricity of the design in the middle of Abidjan.

The Earth House Estate, Dietikon, Switzerland

While Switzerland is famous for its Alpine cabins made of either wood or stone, this one located in Dietikon is quite unusual because the earth blankets it. Called the Earth Houses, it is a housing compound designed by the firm Vetsch Architektur, based in nearby Zurich. The house is one of many houses designed by the firm, emphasizing energy conservation and eco-friendliness.

The compound boasts nine homes, with each house featuring bedrooms ranging from three to nine. An artificial lake is placed at the compound’s center, giving residents a great venue to spend some leisure time. The fact that a layer of earth blankets this house means that energy consumption is reduced by a third during winter, allowing residents to save their funds as their investment money.

The Flintstones House, Malibu, California

One of the most well-known locations in the Bay Area of California is the Flintstone House. It has been a must-visit for tourists wanting to travel across the area. The home was designed by architect William Nicholson and built in 1976 as an experimental house for new materials. It used shotcrete sprayed over inflated aeronautical balloons, giving it a distinctive shape from the roofing to the floor. The house is initially off-white, but it was more known for its orange color, with one dome painted purple later.

Despite the house being a success with visitors coming in droves, it is quite unpopular among the area’s residents. For them, the house is an eyesore. Despite this, the house has become an attraction, especially with introducing more sculptures in recent years.

The Heliodome, Cosswiller, France

After a week’s work, it is no secret that many of us resort to doing several types of activities on the weekend to help us relax and refuel our metaphorical gas tank. While many are already more than fine with staying at home, reading a book, or watching a movie, going outside and on a trip is also an excellent choice to make. Now, if we are going out of town by the hillside, it is safe to say the houses we envision look like warm, cozy cottages.

Well, wait until you see the Heliodome. Located in Cosswiller, France, the Heliodome is an eco-house made by cabinet maker Eric Wasser. With its interesting structure, the property provides plenty of shade for its residents during the summer season, while plenty of sunlight and warmth come winter.

The Hobbit House, Wales

Many of the stories we all love hail from the fantasy series. With that said, one such title that has garnered a skyrocketing degree of love and praise from people around the world would undoubtedly be the Lord of the Rings books and movies. Among the many places that the story takes place in, the most popular one would arguably be the Shire and its Hobbit houses.

Well, a big fan from Wales decided to make a Hobbit House of his own. Not only that, though, he also made it as eco-friendly as possible. With its water supplied from a nearby spring and power provided by solar panels, this lovely home is made with recycled and natural materials, including straw bales, mud, and stone, among many others.

The Illegal Roof Garden, China

The many innovations made in the field of technology are some of the best investments people have made. Of course, one such achievement in this line of work is the internet. Today, just about anything can be accessed online, including various kinds of news.

Well, around 2014, one particular piece of information made its way around the digital domain: the top of one tower block in Guangzhou, China, was covered with plenty of green foliage. As it turns out, the owner of the 18th floor wanted to make some estate expansion of his own, so he added three other flowers above his property. To keep the construction a secret, he had the whole area with all kinds of grass and plants.

The Keret House, Poland

We all know that there is always room for improvement, an opportunity to prove that we can always be better. Well, speaking of rooms, it sure looks like architect Jakub Szczesny took that notion quite literally. Initially presented as an artistic concept in 2009, Jakub’s idea finally became a reality in 2012.

Located in Warsaw, Poland, the Keret House takes credit for being one of the narrowest houses ever made, with its widest point only going measuring 122 centimeters. Even so, the property is not as claustrophobic as you would think and has also been the temporary home of traveling writer Etgar Keret. Upon a closer look, it sure looks like the interior space and its soft white-colored walls give it a cozy vibe.

The Kettle House, Galveston Island, Texas, USA

At this point, we all have an idea of what a typical house looks like. We drew those a lot back in pre-school, a triangular roof, a square for the body, smaller squares for the windows, and a rectangle for a door. Needless to say, the houses shown in the article have been anything but usual.

Well, next up, we have Galveston’s Kettle House. Initially made by Clayton E. Stokley, the property finished renovations around 2017, thanks to some help from Michael and Ashley Cordray. Since then, the kettle-shaped property has become an attraction, especially for people heading to the beach. With that said, you could also spend some credit card points for an overnight stay here—rent is $223 a night.

The Leaf House, Angra Dos Reis, Brazil

Speaking of houses with interesting shapes, another place worth noting is the Leaf House. Located in Brazil’s Angra dos Reis, the Leaf House undoubtedly lives up to its name: aerial photos of the property show the roof and its tiled roofing design forming a big leaf.

Besides looking pretty impressive, the leaf-shaped roof is also there to ensure most of the property’s space is shaded from the sunlight. With that said, this tropical getaway is undoubtedly a dream come true for many people. For one, besides its lovely design, the place is as cozy as a top-class resort, and of course, it also has a nice pool in case anyone wants to go for a swim. To make things better, it is also an energy-efficient eco-home.

The Pickle Barrel House, Grand Marais, Michigan

Besides live-action movies and shows, the entertainment industry also has more than its fair share of cartoons and sketches. One such artist who has made quite a name for himself is William Donahey, who created the comic strip series Teenie Weenies. Along the way, Donahey and his Teenie Weenies characters also promoted several Monarch food products, including pickles.

Later on, Donahey surprised his wife with a house, but not just any ordinary home: this one is designed to look like a big Pickle Barrel. Initially located near Grand Sable Lake, Donahey and his family transferred the property to Grand Marais with help from a moving company. Since then, the Pickle Barrel House has sheltered several tenants and is now a museum displaying photos and other Donahey-related memorabilia.

The Porcelain House, China

Many things have been made over the years. Among these many creations, of course, are houses and other types of buildings. As many of these properties have decayed as the years have gone, some have been maintained and restored to look as close as possible to their original form.

One such example is China’s Porcelain House. Located in Tianjin, the Porcelain House was first built around the 1920s. Some years later, in 2002, it was purchased by a businessman, who later spent a significant portion of investment money adding more porcelain to its design, hence its name. Since 2007, it has become a museum and opened its doors to the public, giving visitors a chance to see the beauty in chinaware culture.

The Portable Plastic House, China

There is always an opportunity to try something new and improve along the way. Through the years, plenty of investments have been made in real estate. One of the most recent ventures in this line of business is portable houses. With most of the usual homes being built from the ground up, these mobile houses are already pre-built. All that is left for us is to find a place to set these up.

With that said, while others are designed with several rooms, some are simpler, like this one. For one, this version of a portable house’s interior space is undivided, meaning there is plenty of room for its owners to partition it as much as they want. Besides that, it is also a good place to set up a garden.

The Pyramid House, Lebanon

There have been many ground-breaking innovations made throughout history. Of course, this is all thanks to people’s undying fascination to understand the unknown and improve. With that said, many of these achievements have now become historical landmarks. One such example would be the pyramids located around the world.

Created in a time before high-rise towers and gas-powered automobiles, the creation of these pyramids, despite the lack of technology at the time, continues to baffle researchers. However, it also adds to their charm. For one, one architect in Lebanon loved them so much that they even made a house that looked just like a pyramid. This time around, though, it is designed with a more homely look, including windows, a chimney, and an easily accessible door leading to its interior space.

The Rock-Roof House, Mexico

Ever since the start of human civilization, people have always found ways to make the most of what they have. Suffice to say, this sense of resourcefulness has not been forgotten through the years. In 2013, the Hernandez family received plenty of recognition for just that. While most of their house is made with sun-dried bricks, they opted for an interesting type of roofing—or roof, more like.

That is because their roof is a 130-foot-diameter rock. Located near the Mexican town of San Jose de Piedras, the property almost blends in with its surroundings if you overlook any of the outdoor furniture. By the looks of it, though, this house has quite a lovely view every night; perhaps the Hernandez family go stargazing every once and a while.

The Rotating House, Czech Republic

More often than not, many of the best things are made by teams. After all, most—if not all—of us are already aware of the notion that no man is an island. Even so, it would not be too surprising if each of us had our own solo, personal project.

Well, for Bohumil Lhota, that would be his Roundabout House. He started making investments constructing the property in 1981 and, to this day, is still a work in progress. Despite that, this Robo-Hobbit hybrid has a couple of neat feats worth noting. While a swimming pool is undoubtedly an attraction in its own right, the house is actually rigged with a system that lets it rise and fall. Wonder what other features it will have once it is done.

The Soccer Ball House, Japan

Among many things, we all want to be as efficient as possible. Well, when it comes to making safe and secure houses, plenty of designs have been proposed through the years. One such eye-catching model was made in Japan. Designed to be floatable and earthquake-proof, this house ultimately developed an impressive degree of resemblance with a soccer ball.

In a way, you could say this is like the grown-up version of wanting a bed that is designed like a race car. Now speaking of grown-ups, this portable and modular shelter is not just for adults: it has models made for our pets, too. That is right; there is plenty of room for just about everyone in this big, polygonal soccer ball of a house.

The Steel House, Lubbock, Texas

It is safe to say many of us spend some money on gas and go on a road trip during the holidays. While the destination is part of the journey, that does not mean the adventure itself should be neglected. For that, it is always ideal for taking the most scenic routes possible.

Well, if your next trip just so happens to have you go through Lubbock, Texas, you might spot an unusually big buffalo at a distance. The thing is, it is actually not a buffalo; it is a house entirely made of steel. The late sculptor Robert Bruno finished making the Steel House around 1973 and lived in it until 2008. To this day, though, the property is still far from finished, with the late Bruno having initially planned to install a pool and an aquarium within its vicinity.

The Toilet House, Suwon, South Korea

It is no secret that maintaining proper hygiene is a must, especially in more recent years. With that said, one notable figure in South Korea made it his life’s work to encourage everyone to apply an even higher degree of cleanliness to their lives. This man is the late Sim Jae-deok. One of his notable endeavors was providing all the toilets in 2002’s World Cup.

His greatest achievement, though, would arguably be the creation of the Toilet House, officially known as Haewoojae, or “a place of sanctuary where one can solve one’s worries.” He lived in this house designed to look like a large toilet bowl until 2009. Along with being a museum, Haewoojae is also available for overnight stays—with a rental fee of $50,000.

The Urban Cactus, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Nowadays, just about everything can be found in the city, from malls to restaurants to hotels to supermarkets and everything in between, you name it. The thing is, though, with all these investments stacking up one after the other, the city gradually loses space for plants and different types of green foliage.

Well, in Rotterdam, Netherlands, one company decided to create something new. This apartment complex has 98 units across 19 layers. Plus, each space has a garden in the form of a balcony. Now, how is this possible, you ask? Well, as it turns out, the answer is in the building’s name, the Urban Cactus: this tall property looks almost like the desert plant it got its name from.

The Winchester Mystery House, San Jose, California

While not all of us may admit it, there is no doubt that we all love listening to stories revolving around the paranormal. Well, let me tell you about San Jose, California’s mysterious Winchester Mansion. Among the many stories about it, the most popular is that its late owner, Sarah Winchester, believed she was haunted.

To avoid her tormentors from the afterlife from catching her, Winchester spent portions upon portions of investment money designing the estate to be akin to a labyrinth, with some areas leading to nowhere at all. It has 2,000 doors, some of which can lead any lost person to something as random as an eight-foot drop to a kitchen sink—another led to a 15-foot drop to the garden. Despite these dangerous traps, that hasn’t stopped people from visiting the place, including ghost hunters.

Tower House, North Kensington, London, UK

The Tower House in Kensington is one iconic property. Actor Richard Harris once owned this place and lived in the property during the late 1960s and the early 1970s. He once said this house was “haunted” by the ghosts of children from the orphanage that previously occupied the site. You could say that this phenomenon is why this house is labeled as “weird.”

You could say that Harris knows a thing or two about making a real estate investment more desirable after purchasing it. After undergoing several restoration works, Harris sold the house to the guitarist of Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Page, for £350,000 in 1972. Page continues to occupy the property to this day. We can’t help but wonder if Page experiences any “weird” phenomenon around this house.

Transparent House,Tokyo, Japan

Looking at this house, you could easily conclude that the phrase “bare and bold” comes to mind. This house is a magnificent “transparent house,” and it sits in the middle of Tokyo, Japan. You could say that this property is the ultimate glass house ever created, and it takes a certain degree of quirky and unusual to an entirely new dimension altogether.

This Tokyo landmark is one house you should consider spending a few days in if you truly have nothing to hide. Without question, this see-through transparent house easily makes it to any list of the weirdest, unusual, and slightly bizarre homes in this entire world. It’s a home that the Sou Fujimoto Architects built, and they’re one of the most highly regarded architects in the world.

Twisted House,Indianapolis, Indiana

This next house easily makes it to any list of the weirdest homes in existence. It’s the Twisted House in Indianapolis, Indiana, and it’s a public artwork created by the artist John McNaughton. It’s a cedarwood home, and it’s bent to the degree that it appears to rest on its roof and foundation. Without a doubt, the inception and execution of this weird home must’ve taken a ton of creativity.

Other features of this home include a roof that digs into the forest floor. Five square glass windows travel upwards on the house. A distorted door is also present to add to the weirdness level of this house. Another notable detail is the windows of the “Twisted House,” each has sills with fake wood flowers and exterior flower holders.

Upside Down House, Trassenheide, Germany

It feels good to experience the entire world in a whole new light in some cases. It’s certainly a delight to see things through the other way around. One house that undoubtedly gives this feeling is the Upside Down House in Trassenheide, Germany. You could say that this weird house will provide anyone with a new perspective.

The exterior of this home isn’t the only thing that is upside down in this house. Everything, including the rooms, the accessories, decor, and furniture, is all flipped to an opposite degree. Without a doubt, this house will give a new experience as the experience of being in it is highly disorienting, daunting, and of course, highly fascinating. It’ll almost feel as if you’re a fly on a ceiling.

Villa Vals, Therme Vals, Switzerland

There is no question that Villa Vals in Switzerland is one of the most bizarre-looking homes you will ever see. Christian Muller and Bjarne Mastenbroek designed this house, and they integrated the villa into the landscape to avoid disrupting the unspoiled nature. The only way to enter the estate is through the nearby wooden Graubünder shed. It is worth noting that you will have to go through an underground tunnel, and that tunnel runs straight through the mountainside.

It is also worth noting that this house provides an exceptional view of the mountain scenery. The willful design offers a degree of spacious living, and there is no doubt that it is one comfortable space to live and be in. Interior-wise, it provides an eclectic yet balanced mix of contemporary Dutch design.

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